Saturday, January 7, 2012

Liberian Diplomat Speaks On Ellen’s First Term

…Pays Special Tribute; Calls for Collective Support

( Monrovia, January 5, 2012):The Political Counsellor at the Embassy of Liberia in France, Mr. Josephus Moses Gray has disclosed that President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf’s first term in Office is characterized with illustrious achievements both on the domestic and international fronts.

Speaking at an Intellectual Forum Thursday in Sinkor, the Liberian diplomat said it is undisputable fact that the President during her first term in office has made sparkly progress in the creation of an unique system and structure that brought benefit to all Liberians.

According to Mr. Gray, some of the critical areas of major achievements of President Johnson-Sirleaf first term include stability, peace and security, Free Speech& Press Freedom, restoration of basic social services and respect for civil liberties.

The Liberian diplomat also identified construction and rehabilitation of road & bridges, gains in the Foreign Service, fight against corruption, mass improvement in the educational and health sectors, upholding freedom of speech, press freedom and rule of law and justice.

Meanwhile, Mr. Gray has disclosed that Liberia has won back its reputation and regained its lost image through the instrumentality of President Johnson Sirleaf’s dynamic leadership and constructive diplomatic engagements across the world.

He said Liberians travelling abroad can proudly present their passports at any port of entrance in the world and be given a positive reception without being discriminated against.

Commenting on achievements on the domestic front, the Liberian diplomat named the pavement of the main streets in all parts of Monrovia and the famous Robertsfield – Monrovia Highway, Belle Yallah Road, Cotton Tree-Buchanan road, the newly constructed Vai Town Bridge, George Walker Bush Bridge in Barclayville and the rehabilitation several major and feeder roads across the country.

On in the health sector, Mr. Gray said President Johnson-Sirleaf first term witnessed the visible achievements including the Telewoyan Hospital in Voinjama, the Jackson Fiah Doe Referral Hospital in Tappita, and the rehabilitation of Japanese-Liberia Friendship Maternity.

The President also scored high marks in the construction of hundreds of schools across the country and managed to expand secondary school system to accommodate large student population as they move through elementary to high school and then to college, with a free and compulsory primary education policy.

The government also succeeded in reforming the educational system and continues to provide a safe and healthy learning environment, including adequate furnishing and instructional materials for all schools.

Today, he said public schools became cheapest to attend while there is an exodus of teachers from private to public schools owing to attractive salaries in the public schools.

On basic social services, the President succeeded in restoring electricity, water and waste disposal to parts of Monrovia for the first time in decades.

Commenting on gains in the Foreign Service, President Johnson-Sirleaf succeeded in reestablishing Liberia’s lost image and maintained over twenty-six diplomatic missions abroad across Africa, Asia, Meddle East, Europe and America.

Under the Sirleaf’s first term in office, the nation won back its reputation, and regained its financial independence, while the President’s commitment continues to play a major role in the focus of the nation’s foreign policy and international relations.

He further added that during the first term of President Sirleaf, Liberia became the first country in West Africa to pass a Freedom of Information Act, while Liberia can boost of the establishment of over thirty newspapers and about 45 mainstream and community radio stations across the country, a press release circulated by the Liberian diplomat said.

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