Tuesday, April 13, 2010

War Was Punishment for Christians

---Says Bishop Summerville, Presents New Destiny Int’l Treasurer
Partial view of the congregation;Bro. Bill Jarkloh reading from a book amongst the congration
Caption: Bishop Summerville Presenting Pastor Kortimai to the Congregation

The founder and President of the New Destiny Pastoral Network, Bishop Adolphus D. W. Summerville, says the civil war in Liberia was a punishment for the Church by God for it’s disobedient to His words.

“The civil war that was a curse for this country and its people was a punishment for the church and not really for pageant,” Bishop Summerville who is also the Senior Pastor of the Potters’ House on Newport Street told a congregation of the Freedom Kingdom International Ministries on Sunday.

The Bishop was speaking at a Special thanksgiving program for the presentation of Mother Pastor Agnes F. Kortimai to congregation of the Freedom Kingdom International Neo-Pentecostal Church in Lower Johnsonville.

The New Destiny Pastoral Network which comprises 36 countries including the United States of America elected in Ghana, the Mother, Pastor Agnes Kortimai as the International Treasurer for Africa. The Sunday occasion, which was graced by the Deputy Minister of Commerce for Administration, Professor Level B. Kortimai, was intended to present the pastor to her church, the Freedom Kingdom International Ministries.

Deputy Minister Kortimai, a deacon at the Freedom Kingdom and a host of pastors, including Pastors Brenda Jleh who anointed the celebrant and Rebecca Taylor of the Pillar of Fire Evangelical Ministries International were amongst other cleric from various churches.

Speaking on the Theme: What Is Blessed Cannot Be Cursed” with text randomly drawn from Genesis 1:1-28 the Bishop further dragged to 2nd Chronicle 7:14 when he said that the church of Jesus Christ which suppose to lead the people to the truth and righteousness has reneged; Christians who are supposed to hold up the teachings go all over the place to seek more powerful preachers and miracles thereby perverting the words of God.

He said evil prevailed because most Christians do not follow the teachings of the Holy Bible; they quenched the light of God and indulged into evil of darkness thereby inflicting curses upon the people.

“If my people, which are called by my named and shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turned from their wicked way; then will I hear them from heaven and forgive their sins and will heal their land,” the Pentecostal preacher added.

Christian cannot even pay tithe and offering correctly, he pointed out, saying that this has caused poverty and curses in the nation. Statistically, more than 80 percent of Liberians are Christians while the remaining percentage of about 20 constitutes predominantly Muslims and other religious sects, cults and pageants.

To this end the Bishop indicated people of God should use wisdom in Christianity. “The Bible says ‘My people Perish because of the lack of knowledge,” according to Bishop Summerville who said anointing does not go alone; it goes with wisdom and obedience.” The guest preacher indicated that consequent to this lack of knowlledge, members of the churches have begun to perish when they go about looking for solutions from everywhere. This is to say that Christians linger in disobedience to the Bible.

Instead of exercising “dominion and power” as commanded by God in Genesis to subdue curses and evil, most Christians shiver in fear during temptation and run to pastors to pray for them. He added that not all prayer persons or those who called themselves anointed people of God are serving the true God; “… you may soon shake the devil hand because of your failure to study the words,” he noted.

Bishop Summerville, to the contrary admonished, “All what Christians are expected to do is exercise faith and dominion; this they can achieve when they attend to church activities and studies. By so doing, they would ask their pastors how to use the scriptures against evil and curses, considering that the pastors themselves are not playing magic in prayers but use the very words against evil.

Bishop Summerville said from the beginning of creation, the earth was useless and without form and void, and darkness (which he noted is curse) covered the face of the earth until when God commanded light (which he said is blessing) from darkness thereby separating between light and darkness or curse and blessing.

The young preacher, noting that God did not throw darkness or curse away so that at the completion of creation - the two destinies of curses or darkness and blessing or light would be set before man, noting that when it reached to the creation of man, God could no longer give the “let there be command”. He instead changed the command to “Let us make man in our own image.” From this, he indicated, “…small gods – the image of God from the dust was made; man and woman they were made.”

Dwelling on verse 28th of Genesis Chapter one, he said, “And God blessed them, and God said to them be fruitful, not necessarily referring to bearing plenty children, and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it,” questioning the congregation are you replenishing your church and subduing the forces of destruction and distraction or you are killing your church?”

Maintaining that the attitude of most Christians have doomed the country and bring curses of war in the form of hardship, sickness amongst others, Bishop Summer concluded, saying “may the curse be broken” with a big amen from the congregation.

Responding, Pastor Kortimai thanked the Freedom Kingdom family, her husband Prof. Kortimai and the new Destiny family for her the courage given her in the service of God and her preferment.

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